Welcome to the most comprehensive list of insulator collecting hobby sites on the Internet. If your insulator collecting hobby related site is not listed here please drop me an email so that I can add your site address (URI) to the list.
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Many collectors and hobby enthusiasts are sharing their love for Insulator Collecting by establishing Internet web sites. This exhaustive list of Insulator Collecting hobby sites helps everyone to more easily benefit from the exciting and creative work that all of us are doing on the Internet. If you are not finding the site that you are looking for, try looking in another category or send me an email. The sites in this list are divided into the following seven categories: Glass, Porcelain, General, Reference, Organizations, Auctiona & Sales, Related.
The Glass and Porcelain categories contain site listings for glass and porcelain specific web sites only. If an otherwise all glass web site has one or two porcelain insulators listed or displayed, it may still be listed in the glass category. However, when a site has a roughly equal mix of glass and porcelain content it will usually appear in the general category.
The General category contains all of the insulator collecting hobby sites that do not seem to easily fit into any of the other categories. General also lists hobby specific web pages that are a minor part of a larger scope web property such as an e-zine site that features one article dealing with some aspect of the insulator collecting hobby.
The Reference category lists sites that appear to primarily contain general and specific information relating to insulators and the insulator collecting hobby. This may include information about insulator origins, manufacturers, and purposes, as well as hobby history, hobby members, collector activities, collector organizations, and related publications.
The Organizations category lists sites that primarily contain information about organizations of insulator collectors.
The Auctions & Sales category is a listing of commercial sites that appear to make it their primary goal to directly offer or promote the sale and purchase of commodities either directly or indirectly related to the insulator collecting hobby. The Auctions & Sales category also lists sites that offer such hobby related commodities as only a portion of their overall offerings.
The Related category lists sites that explore hobbies and interests that are directly and distantly related to, but not actually part of, the Insulator Collecting Hobby.